Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 9

The series of maps presented below is from data based on the U.S. Census Bureau collected during the 2000 Census. With this data we see that there is a degree of spatial autocorrelation in all three maps, showing that there is a relationship between ethnicity and real estate. The maps broadly reveal that Asian-Americans are concentrated on the coasts; African-Americans live mostly in the South; “Some Other Race,” is largely synonymous with Hispanic reside primarily in the West, particularly in the Southwest and California.

There are approximately 37 million Blacks in the U.S., the second largest minority in the country. African-Americans have have strong concentrations in the South; from Virginia down through the Gulf Coast to eastern Texas. In these areas there are high degrees of poverty, undereducation, and high crime rates. Almost all of the African-Americans are descendants of the Columbian Exchange.

The “Some Other Race” category aggregates all people whose responses did not fall into the categories of “”White”, “Black or African American”, “American Indian and Alaska Native”, “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander” [1]. The largest group within this category is Hispanic. 97% of respondents within this group were Hispanic or Latino, yet only 43% of Hispanics or Latinos checked the box to declare themselves as belonging to this category [2]. This creates a problem of under-representation of Hispanics. The largest concentration of this demographic is along the West Coast, along the border with Mexico in California. This is natural because that is the closest link to Mexico. There is actually a sizable population in inland Washington State and southern Idaho, these are likely migrant laborers working on the fertile region’s orchards and farms. There is also a large proportion in Florida, likely of Cuban descent.

There are large, burgeoning populations of Asian-Americans in San Francisco, Seattle, and New York. This began during the the 19th century when many Asians began to settle there before the iimplementation of a quota system in 1924. The use of a quota system for immigration was removed in 1965, since then Asians have migrated to large metropolitan cities and suburbs. Within these cites Asians tend to create their own communities leading to sprouting Japantowns, Koreatowns, and Chinatowns. You can see that a heavy settlement on the West Coast is a direct result of geography: many Chinese and Japanese immigrants came by boat in the 1900s across the Pacific Ocean to the other side of the Pacific Rim. Asian Americans have the lowest poverty rate, the highest educational attainment levels, and median personal income of any racial demographic in the country.

Works Cited

[1] “Census Quick Facts,” US Census Bureau

[2] “Some Other Race,” US Census Bureau

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 8: Cartography & Geovisualizaton

A massive fire broke out in Los Angeles National Forest on August 26, 2009. The fire was dubbed the “Station Fire” by the media because of its proximity to Mount Wilson, on top of which sits radio and television transmission towers.

Firefighters were able to completely contain the blaze October 16. The fire burned a total of 160,000 acres, the 10th largest in California state history (CDFFP). Mostly fires in S. California are grassland fires,but the Station Fire was a true forest fire, as it burned primarily in the wooded hills of the Los Angeles National Forest (InciWeb). The flames threatened many homes in neighborhoods like La Canada, Flintridge, and Glendale (St. Fire info). 10,000 homes were evacuated as a precaution (CNN). In total, 64 structures were destroyed by the fire, and two firefighters were killed(St. Fire info).

In the first map I aimed to show the spread of the fire from 45,000 acres to 160,000 acres in a few days. I displayed the lakes and rivers of the near-by area in hopes of displaying the possibilities of firefighters using this recourse to put-out the fire. I wanted to show how the rivers were unfortunately not able to contain the fires from spreading in that large over-growth area. Due to the fact that firefighters use helicopters to suck-up water to try and “rain-down” on the fire, I displayed the lakes in that area. A large water source is necessary to fuel these helicopters for easy and safe pick-up. I also displayed the large highways and hospitals in the area. This shows that there are not any roads that are contained within the fire, but if the fire were to go south, there are hospitals that could be used to treat near-by residents.

My aim with this map was to show areas of high risk of fire in Los Angeles. I showed the spread of the fire, with the vegetation of the area as well as the County of Los Angeles. The Station Fire broke out in an area where no fires had been for the past two years; there was no fire in the thickly-wooded Angeles National Forest for 62 years (CNN). The fire burned so quickly that it could not be contained. We can see that fires occur in rural areas and are contained before they reach the urbanized floor of the Los Angeles basin. Due to the tendency of fire to burn more efficiently uphill rather that downhill, the people of Los Angeles were very lucky to be below the burn. I also put past fire history to show that they have not recently reached to city, but also begs the question as to whether our policy should shift from containment to letting small fires happen naturally to prevent future large-scale burns.

I believe that my projections of the Station Fire shows the problems with our current fire-control policy in California. Due to the hard-blowing hot Santa Ana winds, the Los Angeles area is always going to be prone to fires. Although the cause of the fire is believed to be arson, better fire-protection is necessary. We need to control the amount of brush in the mountainous areas. This can be done naturally, by allowing fires to happen naturally so that there are often small-scale fires that will allow forest areas to relieve itself of the dead brush naturally; or the manually remove the brush with human intervention. I believe that policy that combines both methods will be the most effective.




Station fire info


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 7

Spatial Reference: GCS North American 1983
Datum: D North American 1983

This is an area of the California mountains. I believe this is an area that is not very populated. I tried, and succeeded, to capture an area in America that has both a strong mountain range and deep valley to show strong topography lines. California rules when it comes to creating maps.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 6: Projections in ArcGIS

Map projections are important in GIS because they project geographic data clearly. Even though the Earth is a 3D object, we still must project in 2D form many times. But this causes problems because all map projections introduce some sort of mathematical distortion from shape to area to distance or direction. We must know how certain map projections distort our globe and how to use the preserved state of the projection for our benefit because depending on the purpose of the map, some distortions are acceptable and others are not.

Equal Area maps preserve, you guessed it, the area. The Bonne projection is a pseudo-conic projection. It has segmented meridians and the meridians bend at the equator. The parallels are plotted as concentric, equally spaced circular arcs. It is particularly well suited to regional and continental mapping, but shape distortion around the edges limits its use in global maps. In the Cylindrical Equal Area map with straight parallels and meridian but appear to be stretched North-South near the equator and stretched East-West near the poles. Even with this distortion it is one of the more practical for online mapping and supported by ESRI.

Equidistant Map projections aim to maintain distance. for the Conic Equidistant map the meridians are straight equidistant lines, converging at the North Pole. "Compared with the sphere, angular distance between meridians is always reduced by a fixed factor, the cone constant." Parallels are arcs of circle, concentric in the point of convergence of meridians. But the consequence of this is that parallels cross all meridians at right angles meaning distortion is constant along each parallel. In a Equidistant Cylindrical projection all the meridians have a constant scale that are equal to the standard parallels's, so all parallels are equally spaced. It is still commonly used in digitized textures ("skins") of earthly and planetary features.

Conformal map projections preserve angles locally. The Sinusoidal prjection retains property of equivalence of area. Areas on a map are proportional to same areas on the Earth. "Distances are correct along all parallels and the central meridian(s). Shapes are increasingly distorted away from the central meridian(s) and near the poles." But because of this, a Sinusoidal projection map is not perspective or equidistant.The Eckert VI projection is used for maps of the world. It is pseudocylindrical and equal area. "The central meridian and all parallels are at right angles, all other meridians are sinusoidal curves." There is an increase of shape distortion at the poles but the scale is correct at standard parallels of 49:16 North and South.

Map projections rule, but probably not as much as my TA: Erin Streff, middle name Elizabeth.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week 6 ArcGIS

ArcGIS is a very powerful tool in the right hands. I found the tutorial to be very detailed and well organized. I found myself able to retain the information later in the tutorial from previous lessons. The main purpose of ArcGIS is to visually display thousands of pieces of information compiled in tables in the form of a map. Although it was a very time consuming operation, I feel as though I gained a vast amount of knowledge that could not be taught in a class room. Theory on GIS is helpful, but the step-by-step guide really allows you to get in there and get your hands dirty with the program.

Just from doing this simple tutorial you realize the potential ArcGIS can have. With all the layers of information, you can a seemingly endless amount of comparable data on one visual map. the problem is, entering all that data manually can be exponentially tedious and time-consuming compared to working with the data. Unless you have a team of grad students working for you as slave-labor, it could take years to enter the amount of data you need. This is where the Arc Catalog comes in to save the day. The Arc Catalog has tons of information stored as a geodatabase. But it would seem to me that the most valuable information, is new information that is not available from the public. Publis information may be plentiful, but it also may not be accurate.

I tried to operate ArcGIS remotely, but it was too slow. I'm not sure if this was due to the internet connection, or the fact that ArcGIS may be a large program that requires a lot of computer resources. Because of this I did all my work in the lab, which I think helped me out by forcing me to take my time and work deleteriously.

I could see ArcGIS as a very powerful tool for a city planner. You could lay out an entire city "on paper" and keep in fully manageable down to the last detail. With the layering of ArcGIS, you can have buildings, streets, sewers, topography, and climate all on the sheet; then you just select which layers you would like to appear and you have a map you can work with. But, to me, the most powerful tool if ArcGIS, is the ability to update that information. In todays world we need up-to-the-second information and ArcGIS can allow this. This is how websites can operate that show you the climate over the entire globe or fires in certain regions, by haveing constantly updated information made possible by ArcGIS software.

Erin is the best TA. Let's get a 10/10 on this one instead of any 9.7/10!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

week 3

View Brazil Trip in a larger map

The Mash-up map that I created is the large scale route I took to get from Los Angeles to various cities in Brazil and back during my most recent Winter Break along with some commentary at each stop.

Neogeography has both it's benefits and pitfalls. Because it is so easy to create your own personal map on websites such as Google Maps, anyone with an internet connection can create and make public a map. This allows us, as users, to be connected to a plethora of information about almost location in the world at the click of a mouse. This is great if you want to share with friends and family a travel itinerary of your recent vacation with pictures and video each stop or post some of your favorite local hot-spots for the community. But because there is no one to monitor the millions of maps created, we don't know if the information posted by the public is accurate. It is commonly believed that there is no such thing as too much information, but if that information is unreliable, it can't be trusted in either the scientific of social community. This is probably why dynamic maps are not nearly as popular as other online social-mediums, because they are based so much on opinion and lack regulation.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 2

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood
3. 1966
4. Horizontal: NAD 1927; Vertical NAD 1983.
5. 1: 24 000
a. 1/24,000 = 5cm/D D= 24,000 x 5 cm 120,000cm= 1200m
b. D= 5 in.* 24,000 = 120000 in. 1mi/63360in * 120000in. = 1.89mi.
c. 1/24000 =D/1mi. D = 1/24000 = 4.166*10^-5mi. 63360in./1mi * 4.166*10^-5= 2.64 in.
d. 1/24,000 = D/3km. D= 1.25*10^-4km. 100000cm/1km * 1.25*10^-4km = 12.5cm
7. 20 feet
8. geographic coordinates
a. The Public Affairs Building: 34° 4’ 12” N, 118° 26’ 15” W; 34.07 N, 118.4375 W
b. Santa Monica Pier: 34° 0’ 40” N, 118° 30’ W; 34.01 N, 118.5 W
c. Franklin Cyn Reservoir: 34° 6’ N, 118° 24’ 30” W; 34.1 N, 118.408333 W
9. elevation
a. Greystone Mansion: 550 ft, 167.64 m
b. Woodland Cemetery: 140 ft, 42.67 m
c. Crestwood Hills Park: 600 ft, 182.88 m
10. UTM Zone 11
11. 37 63; 3 62
12. 1,000,000 m2


14. Magnetic declination: 14° East
15. It’s flowing southward because the elevations “crossing the river” get smaller toward South.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 1 Maps

This is a map of the Confederate States during the American Civil War in 1891. This map was from Harper's Weekly which during its most influential period it was the forum of the political cartoonist Thomas Nast. The map shows the "man made" boundaries of each state as well as their capital cities. The Union States have been darkened to differentiate them from the Confederate States. Bodies of water have also been labeled. there is no compass rose so the top is assumed North, There is also nothing that shows scale or distance. I find this map to interesting because the Civil War was a very controversial time in our history, and if you were living during that time, a map showing which states were leaving the Union could either raise or lower your confidence in your government. It is also interesting to see that there is no representation of the western part of the continent which was actually fairly influential in funding the Union's war effort.

This is a tram map from The Pervasive 2002 conference website that was held at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland. This map shows the above ground tram system that will be used to get the the conference. At first glance the map seems very confusing, but if you study it for a minute you can get a fairly coherent layout of the city. There are many tram lines, but what is interesting to me is that you could take several different tram routs to arrive at the same place. I chose this map because it shows how in our world today it is so easy to give information on how to arrive at a gathering by just posting a map and directions on a familiar website. I also found it interesting that this tram system runs 24 hours a day.

It is a little bit difficult to see, but this map shows the breeding sites if the local fauna in Bulgaria by Cartogrphia Ltd. The sites are represented pictorially by the animals they represent, as well as an outline in red with a light-red coloring of the area it covers. There is a Key in the bottom right corner that identifies the the text on the map to show you if it is a city, town, etc. The map is very detailed, but it is strange that there is no representation of a scale. I choose this map to show that not all maps are for representing patterns of human life. I also like how it combines a familiar map ( cites, capitals, airports) to give you a sense of familiarity with the animal habitat characteristics (Habitat, caves, fields).